Helping people manage their Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Our hospital offers comprehensive care, support, and specialised treatment options for individuals living with OCD at Coimbatore.

Our hospital offers comprehensive care, support, and specialised treatment options for individuals living with OCD at Coimbatore.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is classified as an anxiety disorder and comprises two primary components: obsessions and compulsions.
These are persistent, unwanted thoughts, urges, doubts, or mental images that incessantly intrude into your consciousness.
These obsessions can take various forms, from fears of contamination by germs or an invisible virus to disturbing urges to harm someone.
These unwelcome thoughts can be incredibly distressing.
Compulsions are repetitive behaviors or mental acts that you feel compelled to perform in response to your obsessions.
These actions can range from repeatedly checking if a door is locked to reciting specific phrases in your mind to prevent a feared event.
Unfortunately, compulsions often provide only temporary relief and are accompanied by considerable distress.
Seeking treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a crucial step toward improving one's quality of life and overall well-being.
OCD often brings about intense distress and fear due to relentless obsessions and compulsions.
Managing OCD consumes a significant amount of time and energy, disrupting daily activities and functions.
Many individuals with OCD experience feelings of guilt, loneliness, and shame, which can deter them from seeking help.
Often, people with OCD try to manage it on their own, leading to isolation until symptoms become unmanageable.
OCD is closely linked to depression, and some individuals may experience more severe obsessions during depressive episodes
Recognizing these common signs of OCD is the first step in seeking help and support for managing the disorder.
A constant fear of failing to prevent injury or harm to oneself or others.
Frequent thoughts about causing harm to someone, often against one's will.
Disturbing and unwanted sexual thoughts or images that intrude into daily thinking.
Obsessions related to religious or blasphemous themes that cause distress.
An overwhelming obsession with contamination, leading to excessive cleaning or avoidance behaviors.
Excessive concern with symmetry, order, or arranging objects in specific ways.
Constant preoccupation with physical symptoms or illness, even in the absence of evidence.
Engaging in redundant actions or activities that are driven by obsessive thoughts.
An obsession with certain numbers or a compulsion to have specific quantities of items.
Repeatedly washing hands or cleaning objects due to an irrational belief of contamination.
The need to repeatedly check things, such as locks, switches, or appliances.
Organizing items meticulously, often by color, size, or shape.
Trusted in Coimbatore and beyond, our exclusive de-addiction therapies and rehabilitation facilities attract individuals seeking effective recovery.
We gather crucial information through observation, testing, and interviews to understand our clients' lives and provide Individualised treatment.
Individual or group evaluations explore talents, personality traits, cognitive/emotional functioning, and social background. Factors like environmental stress and cultural influences are considered for comprehensive insights.
Comprehensive evaluations reveal personality, social skills, cognitive abilities, attitudes, and desires. Foundation for customized treatment plans, addressing unique needs with precision and compassion.
Licensed clinical psychologists provide expert and empathetic assessments. Valuing client input, we work together to uncover a holistic understanding of strengths, challenges, and areas for growth.
Recognize and confront avoidance behaviors to regain control over your life while managing OCD
Recognize experiences or objects that intensify your obsessions or compulsions, prompting you to avoid them.
If you have mysophobia (fear of contamination), you might restrict eating or drinking to your home environment to avoid potential sources of contamination.
Prolonged avoidance of specific situations or objects can have a profound negative impact on your overall quality of life.
Seek professional guidance and OCD therapy to address avoidance behaviors and regain control over your daily life.
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