Client Assessment and Evaluation, aspects of understanding
Individual Needs

Our De-addiction branch offers specialised support programs and personalised care to help individuals overcome substance abuse and rebuild their lives.

According to World Health Organization On average, only 1 in 5 people with a mental disorder receives the necessary treatment.

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Our Psychological assessments

We provide valuable information for diagnosis and treatment, helping people to better understand themselves

Personality Tests

Personality tests unveil motivations, preferences, and work style, aiding employers in assessing candidate fit and understanding team dynamics. These tests diagnose psychological issues, monitor personality changes, and screen job applicants, enhancing workplace cohesion and productivity.

Intelligence Tests

IQ tests assess cognitive abilities and potential, aiding in educational placement, diagnosing intellectual disabilities, and conducting cognitive research. They're used for job candidate evaluation, measuring memory, speed, and attention, serving diverse purposes in various fields.

Achievement Tests

Achievement test scores gauge student readiness for instruction levels. High scores signal mastery and readiness for advanced learning. Tests help students identify strengths and weaknesses, focusing study efforts on areas needing improvement. Practice quizzes aid in pinpointing areas for targeted study, optimizing learning outcomes.

Projective Tests

Projective tests reveal hidden feelings and conflicts, aiding psychoanalysis by interpreting responses to ambiguous cues. Their strength lies in offering qualitative insights useful for psychotherapy, unveiling subconscious elements impacting an individual's life.

Neuropsychological Tests

Neuropsychological assessment evaluates cognitive function, focusing on brain damage, disease, and mental illness effects. Clinical Neuropsychology, a subset of clinical psychology, explores brain-behavior links for diagnosing disorders and assessing cognitive-behavioral functioning.

Comprehensive Clinical Evaluations

Our specialised team of addiction therapists and doctors enables us to offer personalized de-addiction treatment tailored to the unique needs and complexities of each individual.

Professional Mental Health Care Team

Our team includes qualified Psychiatrists and Psychologists, as well as dedicated Occupational therapists and In-patient care-takers.

Comprehensive Therapeutic Approaches

Our facility offers yoga sessions and other art-based activities, along with access to expert counselors and well-trained physicians and nutritionists.

Integrated Health and Wellness

We have visiting faculties or mentors who provide motivational talks, support personality development, and engage in art therapies.

Expert Medical and Support Staff

We have a dedicated support staff and a team of fitness or healthcare professionals to ensure comprehensive care and support for our clients.

Latest articles from our mental health experts

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Tips for Staying Drug Free

Staying drug-free is a commitment that requires dedication, support, and practical strategies. Whether you're in recovery or simply aiming to avoid substance abuse, adopting a proactive approach can make all the difference. Embracing a lifestyle focused on drug deaddiction involves being aware of triggers and temptations that can lead to relapse.

Benefits of Personalized Treatment in Deaddiction Centre

People are no longer looking for one standard rehab program that fits all cases. Also, lately, the need for tailored deaddiction treatment services and rehabilitation programs is increasing progressively with the increase in the number of addicted individuals.

Benefits of Long Term Addiction Treatment

Addiction is a serious issue that affects many people in India today. It impacts not just the individual but their family and community as well. For those struggling with addiction, seeking professional help is essential. One of the most effective ways to overcome addiction is through long term addiction treatment.

Patient Testimonials

Read about the positive impact we’ve had on our patient’s lives.

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Exemplary service, amiable staff and located in a calm ambiance...this hospital is worth every penny!

Shabna V. Nair

Google Rating

Great medical office, wonderful and warm experience, from start to finish. Was reffered over by general doctor and can see why. Highly recommended.

I began taking sessions when I was at a very low point in my life and was dealing with depression and severe anxiety.

Priya Rubavathi

Google Rating

Exemplary service, amiable staff and located in a calm ambiance...this hospital is worth every penny!

At times, you hit the rock bottom in one stage of your life. I visited Naveen hospital in one such instance. The sessions with them showed me the light at the end of the tunnel.

Shabna V. Nair

Google Rating

Exemplary service, amiable staff and located in a calm ambiance...this hospital is worth every penny!

Shabna V. Nair

Google Rating

I assure you that any big or small interaction with Vishnu Sir will leave you with many insights and a peaceful mind.

I began taking sessions when I was at a very low point in my life and was dealing with depression and severe anxiety.

Radhi T

Google Rating

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